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Results for: 'efferent arteriole'

Regulation of GFR: three methods, autoregulation & autoregulation via myogenic mechanism

By: HWC, Views: 7059

• GFR can be regulated by adjusting: • Blood flow in and out of the glomerular capillaries. • Surface area of glomerular capillaries. • There are three main ways to make these adjustments: • Renal autoregulation. • Nervous regulation. • Hormonal regulation. • Ren...

Structures that affect circulation - arterioles and vasomotor responses

By: HWC, Views: 6347

■ Small arteries and arterioles determine SVR. ■ Blood pressure drops significantly as blood passes through arterioles. ■ Decreasing arteriole radius and decreased wall elasticity are the main reasons for increased SVR. ■ Small changes in arteriole radius can cause large changes in ...

Regulation of GFR: autoregulation via myogenic mechanism Myogenic mechanism

By: HWC, Views: 8120

• GFR can be regulated by adjusting: • Blood flow in and out of the glomerular capillaries. • Surface area of glomerular capillaries. • There are three main ways to make these adjustments: • Renal autoregulation. • Nervous regulation. • Renal autoregulation occurs when...

Glomerubular filtrate rate -pressures that affect GFR and net filtration pressure

By: HWC, Views: 7119

• The glomerular filtration rate is the amount of filtrate formed per minute within the renal corpuscle. • Once the filtrate is formed it moves down the tubule. • The production and movement of filtrate depends on three pressures: I. Glomerular blood hydrostatic pressure (GBHP) is pre...

Structures that affect circulation - arterioles and vasomotor responses and venous return

By: HWC, Views: 6728

■ Small arteries and arterioles determine SVR. • Blood pressure drops significantly as blood passes through arterioles. • Decreasing arteriole radius and decreased wall elasticity are the main reasons for increased SVR. ■ Small changes in arteriole radius can cause large changes in ...

Nerve Type Animation (Part 1)

By: Administrator, Views: 290

Used to describe neuronal processes conducting impulses from one location to another. Nerve fibers: - Nerve fibers of the PNS are wrapped by protective membranes called sheaths. - Myelinated fibers have an inner sheath of myelin, a thick fatty substance, and an outer sheath or neurilemma compo...

Nerve Type Animation (Part 2)

By: Administrator, Views: 272

Used to describe neuronal processes conducting impulses from one location to another. Nerve fibers: - Nerve fibers of the PNS are wrapped by protective membranes called sheaths. - Myelinated fibers have an inner sheath of myelin, a thick fatty substance, and an outer sheath or neurilemma compo...

Regulation of GFR: autoregulation via tubuloglomerular feedback, neural & hormonal regulation

By: HWC, Views: 7803

• When blood pressure is above normal, rapid filtrate flow reduces ion retention so filtrate in tubule has more Na+, C1-, and water. • It is believed that vasoconstricting chemicals from the juxtaglomerular cells are released when the macula densa cells detect higher water and ion levels in ...

Neural Reflex Arc Animation

By: Administrator, Views: 9818

A reflex arc is a neural pathway that controls a reflex. In vertebrates, most sensory neurons do not pass directly into the brain, but synapse in the spinal cord. This allows for faster reflex actions to occur by activating spinal motor neurons without the delay of routing signals through the bra...
